Most Common Bug Out Bag Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them!)

No matter how prepared you are for a SHTF moment or survival situation, there are some things you will overlook – that is the nature of being a human being.

There are other mistakes people make with their survival preparation that are not tangible (like packing several pairs of socks.) Those mistakes are intangible, but are no less important than your survival gear.

You want to make sure you blend in during a SHTF moment, for example, so it is not wise to have a set-up that makes you look like a cross between Rambo and the Terminator.

That is just one intangible that most overlook, but there are many more, mainly because of two reasons: We tend to romanticize a bug-out situation and as humans, we tend to overthink to the point of forgetting vital items.

On the next page, we show you a video that covers many of these intangibles.


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  1. Joel Chandler said:

    This is why I take a week long camping trip with my B.O.B. At least once a year.

  2. Brad Young said:

    So no personal protection was mentioned. Your going to loose what little you got


