[VIDEO] Epic Survival Uses For Extension Cords

Using regular household items for uses other than their intended function in a survival situation is an imperative skill you must master (if you have not already).

Just about everything in a SHTF moment can be re-purposed for other uses and that includes your old, worn-out extension cords.

Almost everyone has old extension cords lying around – at one point they served a purpose, but as years go by and stuff gets replaced, the old extension cords are no longer needed.

Equally, almost none of us throw those old extension cords in the garbage.

I guarantee right now, in a corner in a garage or workshop, junk drawer or closet somewhere in your house, there is at least one old extension cord that can be a survival tool if you re-purpose it.

The video on the next page shows you how to use old extension cords in a SHTF moment or survival situation.

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