Fishing is a lot of fun, but it also is a potentially life-saving pursuit if you find yourself in a survival situation. Fish live virtually everywhere and when protein and nourishment are critical, they are a relatively low-energy method of eating. In a survival situation, where every action tends to expend much-needed energy, fishing is ideal…
16 Clever Fishing Hacks That Really Work (And Will Also Come in Handy for a SHTF Moment!)
One of the oldest and most common methods of survival is fishing. There is almost no energy required to do it and it can be extremely beneficial for sustaining oneself. Not to mention, it’s even a fun hobby for some people! Both men and woman love relaxing while fishing and it’s easy to see why.…
(Video) How to Make the Hobo Fishing Kit (and Why it Should be a Part of Every Survival Kit)
In just about every place on earth for at least three seasons, fishing is a sure way to get your hands on needed protein, calories, and other nutrients. Fishing is relatively low energy if you do it right and the yield – one or two fish can make an emergency meal – is worth the…
(Video) Learn How to Hand Trap Trout in a Stream to Eat for Survival
If you are facing a survival situation, the easiest, low energy way to catch needed nourishment is to figure out how to catch fish. This is particularly true if you can catch fish by using a fish trap. In most areas of North America, just about every river, lake, pond, and stream has some sort…
(Video) She Shows Us How to Make a Deep Hole Fishing Trap. How This Helps With Fishing? Impressive!
We are not sure where Siem Reap of Cambodia learned to fish but the way she catches and brings home her fish is a great one! She is a survivalist if ever there was one! The fact that this young woman, while “fishing,” is completely able to handle the slimy little devils and toss them into…
(Video) How to Make an Automatic Fishing Pole Primitive Trap. While Living Off the Grid This Could be an Asset!
You don’t have to be an expert fisher to catch your next meal, all you need is to know now to set up a small fishing trap and you’re good to go. We got a great video for you from Sigma 3 Survival School that teaches you how to set up an automatic fishing pole…
How to Make the Simplest Survival Fishing Kit in the World
It is no secret that when you are faced with a survival situation that is not immediately non-threatening and you have established a shelter and fire as well as addressed your need for water, food is a top priority. In most cases, the food most available and easiest to catch, in terms of meat sources,…
(Video) Why Fishing is a Person’s Best Option for Food in a Survival Situation
I have often said that in a survival situation your chances of catching fish for food are far better in most circumstances than your chances of catching anything else – while conserving needed energy for other survival tasks. First, though, some caveats. Obviously, if you are stranded in the middle of the desert, you likely…
(Video) Survival Fishing Hacks and What Should be Included in a Survival Fishing Kit!
In just about every survival scenario, fishing for sustenance is one of the most reliable ways of ensuring you do not starve while you work your way out of the situation or await rescue. This is because fish live in bodies of water virtually everywhere – even in urban areas and as long as they…
(Video) This Easy Fish Trip is Mind Boggling. Get a Tasty Meal While Bugging Out!
In just about every survival situation, there is one constant in terms of feeding yourself, virtually wherever you are located. This is that just about everywhere on the planet, fish are available for catching and consumption. Even in urban areas, ponds in parks and other waterways hold at least carp and usually several other varieties…
(Video) How to Make and Utilize This Incredible Primitive Fish Trap
Just about every survivalist or survival minded person knows the importance fish can play as a survival staple food. Fish are high in protein, vitamins, and other nutrients and present just about everywhere on the planet. In a survival situation, though, expending as little energy as possible to secure food is key to making sure…
(Video) An Insane Way to Catch Razor Fish – Wow!
Have you ever tried to catch those sneaky razor fish but found yourself straight outta luck? They’re so hard to catch or even find out on the beach. During a collapse, they can really come in handy when food sources are low. Cooking them over a fire can make a delicious meal! This video will…
(Video) Check Out an Easy Way to Build a Super Fast and Efficient Fishing Trap Trigger
While you may make plenty of efforts to prepare for the collapse, you might just find yourself in a tough spot in a moment’s notice. You might even be forced to bug out a bit and survive in the outdoors with limited supplies. Thankfully, you can build your own makeshift fishing trap so that you won’t…
(Video) He Takes Out a Drill. How He Uses it to Fish? Now I’ve Got to Try It!
You might think that you’re up a creek without a paddle if you’ve forgotten your fishing pole and gear during your outdoor adventure. However, with the right materials, you’ll be able to fashion a pretty awesome and super efficient fishing pole out of just a power drill and fishing line! Believe it or not, the…
(Video) Fishing in Siberia: I Didn’t Expect THIS to Happen!
Most preppers have a large amount of food ready for when a collapse might occur, but depending on how a SHTF situation goes on, the supplies will probably run out. This is why it is one of the many reasons to use fishing as a way to survive. If you make your camp, near a…
4 Fishing Techniques That’ll Ensure a Prepper’s Survival
One of the most dependable ways to secure protein, vitamins, and minerals if you are stuck in a survival situation is fish. Fish live just about everywhere and while some will not be very appealing (like goldfish in an urban pond,) in a pinch, they are available and nourishing, provided you cook them correctly. In…
(Video) 6 Fishing Hacks That’ll Make Fishing Near the Bank of a River Easy Peasy
Fish is one of the best sources of nutrition you could ever hope for in a survival or SHTF situation. They are rich in protein and healthy fats, and provide an abundance of calories to keep you going during the tough times. With this being the case, logic dictates that you should plan to devote…
How to Successfully Construct a Primitive Funnel Fish Trap
We frequently emphasize how fish can be a life saver in a survival situation. Virtually anywhere you find yourself and virtually in any situation, fish can be found, caught and consumed, providing valuable nutrients and protein. What you might not have, however, is a way to catch the fish. One way, used all over the…
(Video) How to Make a Trigger for a Fish Snare
Of all of the worries that would be floating around your head in a survival situation, getting food is certainly going to top the list. Yes, you may be well-aware that food should be an area of negligible concern. You may even be shaking your head right now at the presence of yet another survival…
How to Make a Fishing Lure From a Kitchen Spoon
Although prime fishing seasons cause many of us great joy, it can also be a time of unnecessary expense. Replacing or buying new equipment can be a huge – from rods, reels, lures, baits, lines, tackle, and anything else – and also leave quite a dent in your bank account. But guess what! You don’t…