Author Archives: Rebecca Eisenhuth


(Video) Learn how to Defrost a Windshield in Seconds Without Running Hot Water on it or Scraping the Snow Off!

(Video) Learn how to Defrost a Windshield in Seconds Without Running Hot Water on it or Scraping the Snow Off!

It’s a constant Winter struggle. You wake-up in the morning, prepare to go to work, then look outside and see that snow is on the ground. That can mean only one thing – someone has to go out and clean off the windshield before you go. You may look over a shoulder at the spouse,

old woman

4 Old Wives Tales That Are Actually True

Over the generations, there have been some old wives tales that, while fanciful, we need to take with a grain of salt. Maybe they were impacted by someone’s great-great-great-grand mother or father and, at the time; they seemed to make sense. However, as the years pass we cock our head in wonder. A lot of

baking soda

25 Astounding SHTF Uses for Baking Soda

The more and more we hear about the astounding wonders of baking soda. No, it’s not just for baking anymore, although it IS great for cake making and any number of other recipes. From creating effective and whitening toothpaste to freshening up a stinky sink or refrigerator, baking soda is a staple in the American
