Keep Eggs Fresh for Months With This Item That Can be Found in a Kitchen


Mmm. Fresh eggs.

It’s amazing how many egg dishes there are out in this big wonderful world! They are a farming staple and few refrigerators around the world do not have the heartfelt labor of a chicken in their ice box!

And – oh yeah – they taste good. Even by themselves, over easy with a little salt and pepper – you have a meal. But, if you have them stored for too long eggs begin to taste a little “off”.

There is a test to see if your eggs are good or bad. In water, if they sink, an egg is good. But if they raise to the top and float the egg may be on its way out!

To see what you can do to preserve your eggs go on over to the next page. During a survival situation those babies will be worth their weight in gold!

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  1. Justin Douglas said:

    This is stupid eggs require no washing no treatment or refrigeration for several months so long as they are kept dry and out of the sun preferably a cool dry place

  2. Justin Douglas said:

    And an egg can be cooked in she’ll on a grill or near a bed of coals in a camp fire and will be the best “hard egg” you have ever had the grill marks even transfer they the shell

  3. Randy Smith said:

    Why do they act as if mineral oil is poison?It`s what baby oil is made of.

  4. Johnny Reb said:

    how do u know when they r done when cookin on a grill like that? I wanna try it

  5. Donald Lee Burrow said:

    Yup lol the only reason we have to refrigerate eggs is because they wash them, fresh layed eggs require no refrigeration

  6. Randy Smith said:

    I`m hip! I would have thought olive oil,or coconut oil would have been a better choice.


