Astonishing Survival Tips for Preppers From The Walking Dead


The television series The Walking Dead is a undisputed hit. It is currently going into its 7th season and shows no signs of slowing down! Good for all involved – and good for us too.

We get the benefit of their experiences on a survival level. All these characters had to learn on the run but we, safe from ravenous “walkers,” get to sit back and learn a few things.

For those who do not know, The Walking Dead (TWD) deals with a zombie apocalypse and the men and women who struggle to survive through it.

It is violent, bloody and stinks of turmoil and death… all the things most of us love in a TV series.

Yet, there are some genuinely good survival tactics used by our heroes and this is what we are focusing on in this article.

Go on over to the next page and check out some astonishing survival tips for preppers — from TWD.

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