The Rules a Survivalist Must Follow When Bartering and Haggling for Supplies


While we think of bartering in a survivalist situation, offering a chicken for flour, butter and a round of ammo, it is also interesting to think that, in the here and now, we are bartering too!

Think of economically challenged countries. Their leaders are bartering with other countries for the good of their people (and power) while the people are bartering to take care of their families.

In science and technology, ideas and services are also being exchanged – and not necessarily for money. One idea might serve a certain company far better than another and visa versa.

However, when we get down to a SHTF crisis, this opens up a whole new can of beans. As preppers we will be down to basics and the only way we are going to make it is helping, sharing and – yes – bartering with our friends and neighbors.

After the break visit the next page to learn the rules a survivalist must follow when bartering and haggling for supplies!

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