The Rules a Survivalist Must Follow When Bartering and Haggling for Supplies


It’s a mission for us to prep, gather as much as we think we will need when the grid goes down – and more. Many have the attitude of a dog-eat-dog world. Here is hoping, with a little bartering, we can make friends, exchange items and information, and live simply, easily and amicably together.

Even though you’d face the same barter system problems that our ancestors faced, like the difficulty assigning a value to items, the benefits of barter are plentiful.

1.    Anything can be traded for anything, if both parties agree.
2.    The barter system works under any conditions, regardless of a failure of utilities or infrastructure.
3.    Barter lets you trade different combinations of services, goods and supplies for your needs.
4.    It can transcend language and cultural boundaries, though it’s best to have common ground.

But there is some work that needs to happen on the front end of any barter deal. If we think of the barter itself as a “checkmate”, then the negotiation that leads up to it is the entire chess game. And since it’s unlikely that people would run into each other with equal value goods that the other person needed, anyone who wants to barter will need to learn how to haggle.

To learn more, including the nuances of haggling, bargaining, and quibbling, go to Outdoor Life. Certainly, it’s all business but it’s also done for the good of mankind!

Remember, although there are security issues to be sure, it does not have to be all about you and nothing for everyone else. Keep cautious but make your bartering happy and friendly. The person you are bartering with may someday offer you a medicine or another item that will save a member of your family’s life!

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