This Tunnel in Colorado is Haunted and Will Scare the Living Daylights Out of Any Survivalist

haunted gold camp

We often hear about the olden days, when America was young, and how our pioneer ancestors traveled from east to west in a number of dangerous ways. As time went on, it got a little easier.

Tracks were formed for trains and those big mountains that men, women, and children were forced to climb were manipulated. RE: Instead of climbing over them holes were blown out of selected mountains and tunnels were formed.

Sadly, the formation of these tunnels often did not happen without the loss of life. Dynamite was a precarious thing back then, as it pretty much is now, but worse! And a tunnel collapsing in mid-dig was not unheard of.

In Colorado, in the hills of Colorado Springs' Bear Creek Park, there is a tunnel on Gold Camp Road. Past the age of railroads it has been turned into a car tunnel and a horrifying event took place that made this passageway infamous – and possibly haunted!

Go to the next page to read about this fascinating story about the haunted location.

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  1. Frank George said:

    They leave you alone when you don’t give in to fear. I do the same…ignore

  2. Rebecca Deakin said:

    No super natural stuff. I already lived with a ghost for two years. I’ll tell you about it. Wild.

  3. JasonMary Archer said:

    Live right down the road from gold camp road, all though this is a cool story it its not true. When we moved here we went looking for this tunnel and found it. We asked and did some research to find out unfortunately it a fake. Also this isn’t even a picture of any tunnel I have ever seen in that area. Cool story though. 🙂


