This Tunnel in Colorado is Haunted and Will Scare the Living Daylights Out of Any Survivalist

haunted gold camp

We often hear about the olden days, when America was young, and how our pioneer ancestors traveled from east to west in a number of dangerous ways. As time went on, it got a little easier.

Tracks were formed for trains and those big mountains that men, women, and children were forced to climb were manipulated. RE: Instead of climbing over them holes were blown out of selected mountains and tunnels were formed.

Sadly, the formation of these tunnels often did not happen without the loss of life. Dynamite was a precarious thing back then, as it pretty much is now, but worse! And a tunnel collapsing in mid-dig was not unheard of.

In Colorado, in the hills of Colorado Springs' Bear Creek Park, there is a tunnel on Gold Camp Road. Past the age of railroads it has been turned into a car tunnel and a horrifying event took place that made this passageway infamous – and possibly haunted!

Go to the next page to read about this fascinating story about the haunted location.

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  1. Don Grant said:

    ever go through down the south side chiago at night on foot ?

  2. Lana Holguin said:

    Lol it’s not that scary been in there so many times more afraid of tripping over a rock out there

  3. Chad Kushner said:

    It is not scary. there is is a serious concern of rocks falling on your head. It is not close to safe. Plus who knows if a mountain lion follows you in there

  4. John Cisneros said:

    I would stay the night
    I had a ghost in my hotel room in Thailand and it would knock a ladies picture off the shelf every night. It was a black shadow silouette that stayed behind the curtains. I just learned to ignore it and that’s all it did every night. Throw the picture on the floor. This is not the first ghost I’ve met. That’s why I just ignore them.

  5. Aaron Warchild said:

    Is this the tunnel at the top of 7 falls?
    If you park in that dirt lot and hike around towards the trails, but then pass them and hike further up…?
    Deer camp trail area?

  6. John Cisneros said:

    Noble place hotel, Room 108 or 208 I think, was a couple years ago. They had a wierd numbering system. It’s the first floor up from the ground level. First room up the stairs. Pattaya Beach Thailand. The ladies in the bars down stairs laugh because they know about it. Brought a lady to the room and the picture got thrown to the ground while she was there. She woke me up and asked me why? I told her there’s a ghost in here. She told me about something behind the curtain and I told her yeah I know. I told her the ghost won’t do nothing it just wants attention. I told her I will take care if you. I hugged her and fell back to sleep. She stayed though. Good lady.

  7. Tim Terri said:

    Ok. First off, there was no bus load of children killed there. Secondly, the dusty handprints are from the oils YOUR hands leave on your trunk every time you close it that get dust covered when you drive down a dusty road.

  8. Kevin Hughes said:

    This$#%&!@*is not haunted, just dirty cause lames go in there and leave their trash

  9. Kevin Hughes said:

    Also the third tunnel isn’t even collapsed you can still walk all the way through

  10. Will Zielinski said:

    With Russia on Defcon 3, it might not be as scary as it would be on the outside.

  11. James Southard said:

    here u go shorty your play ground when u were a kid how many times were u in here

  12. Jed Clampet said:

    Why do you waste a precious time with useless articles like this

  13. Fred Woltz said:

    Just another BULLSHIT STORY Been there seen NOTHING give me a break!


