Author Archives: Rebecca Eisenhuth


8 Ways Preppers Can Find Free Food

There are hundreds of ways out there to make a little extra “easy money,” some far more effective than others. However, when it comes to finding free food for your family, although there are certainly ways to acquire that too, it is often not as easy. We always consider preppers first because we are the

clothes pin weapons

(Video) During Doomsday, Making Weapons Out of Random Supplies is an Invaluable Skill. Now Check Out the Clothespin Pocket Pistol as an Example…

If the world ever finds itself in a SHTF situation, where it is every man for himself, where a family must protect themselves against any manner of threat, it’s nice to know there are options. The most interesting tools or weapons are of the “homemade” variety, something you or others have hand crafted. They are
