12 Ways to Prepare for SHTF Without Spending Any Money


Now, this is our kind of topic. Surviving on the cheap! Yes, we know the saying about how if you buy cheap you get cheap but if you are a skilled survivor you know that free and disposable are not bad words.

Oh yes, you do want the better-made products when it comes to serious survival; something like you and a sudden encounter with an eight-foot bear, but otherwise you and your family can do with less.

Honestly, there really are so many “free” things you and your family can do, and take advantage of, to prepare for the grid going down or any other SHTF scenario.

Making a plan does not have to be expensive, stocking water away in reusable plastic containers only costs what you initially bought in those containers, and simply exercising to get yourself into shape for the inevitable does not have to cost money!

After the break go over to the next page and read twelve simple and FREE things you can do to prep for the SHTF!

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