Just Because Hot Air Rises Doesn’t Mean an Energy Bill Has to… Discover How to Easily Save Money

attic insulation

We are all about saving money when we can, but there are times when we feel when it comes to home repairs like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not everyone is handy with brick and mortar and less so when it comes to insulating the house.

Then we go off and look into professional help. After all, although the initial cost may be steep in the long run, it will be a good thing when all that warm or cool air ceases to escape outside… But then the estimate comes and our eyes bug-out!

Really? That much?

There has to be an alternative and, thanks to the information over on the next page, we’ve got it!

Not only will you have lower energy costs but you can do it for under two hundred dollars! That is a heck of a lot better than having the pros do it at around two thousand, right?! After the break find out how this is possible!

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  1. Don R. McCloud said:

    I’ve been a roofer for thirty years, and these are all great tips for insulating and venting your house. A well ventilated attic prolongs the lifetime of the shingles that cover your house and saves you money on the power bill.

  2. James Groover said:

    turn your attic into a meat drying oven, but if I so much as hear you used it to preserve your “MOTHER” so help me Norman I will swear you got the idea from your dad

  3. Doug Las said:

    I expected this to be pretty lame but it actually has some good tips! Roofing and Construction was the family business my parents operated for nearly 50 years and what I did after school and on Saturdays (+summer vacations) from grade school until my early 20s.

  4. Zach Kimbrough said:

    Just air sealing your attic and adding blown insulation will cost a weekend and maybe $1000 and save you WAY more energy than new windows. Unless your windows are single pane, non low E, and have a metal frame, it will take upwards of 150 years for replacements to pay for themselves.


