7 Long Lost Survivor Skills Reclaimed From Old Cards

pulling out long nails

Who knows when those “old fashion” survival tips were created? Was it in our father’s, our father’s father, or even Great-Great Grand-Daddy’s youth? The point is what was once old is now new again – especially for a prepper.

During this time, when homesteaders, survivalists, and preppers are waiting for the grid to go down, we need those long lost skills to aid us when the power is out, for possibly weeks at a time!

On the next page we have seven easy but surprisingly forgotten tips on how to do every day, simple jobs.

Comically, these skills came from notes inside cigarette packs back in the day! Who knew something so dangerous could be so helpful?

After the break learn about some long lost survival skills that need to be resurrected again!

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  1. Dana Kerr said:

    this first one is TERRIBLE advice… you end up with dented end nippers, if you use them that way….

    • Scott Blanchat said:

      No, it is the appropriate way. How would wood dent steel?

  2. Glen Smith said:

    I have one of those vintage nail pullers and it works great.

  3. Jeff S said:

    Dampness in a bed? Huh? Doesn’t a hand work as well?

  4. Jon Shearer said:

    I look at things like this and wonder how people DON’T know this kind of stuff.

  5. AL Carter said:

    We all hate the stupid…so very much… somehow we grew up and have manners now….why…im not sure… you hurt my brain… the dumb I canna take.

  6. Kawanta Lewis said:

    Lost if yere an idiot, or a white collar worker. Either way, I assure you, these survival hacks are well and workin.

  7. Evan Hawk said:

    Um,I use this stuff all the time. Not forgotten, just misplaced.lol

  8. Matthew Cobb said:

    Have three sets of these,with different handle lengths.very handy nail pulleys.

  9. James Matthew Waltman said:


  10. Roland Johnson said:

    Not lost, people just need to slow down a bit and think. Problem 1 is no one will slow down.

  11. Sheamus Yurdle McDurdle said:

    Ive used them to pull staples, nails even used them to twist out screws with stripped heads. There is a thousand different uses for them. They are quite handy.


