7 Long Lost Survivor Skills Reclaimed From Old Cards

pulling out long nails

These are tips passed down from generation to generation and came from inside cigarette packs. Who knew something so useful could come from something so dangerous to one's health! When the SHTF we will certainly learn from these tips. Now might be a good idea to write a few of these down!

How To Detect Escaping Gas

detect escaping gas
“There is always a danger in trying to locate an escape of gas with a light. The method shown in the picture, however, is free from risk and quite reliable.
“Paint strong soap solution on the suspected length of pipe and the gas will then cause bubbles at the escaping point, which can be dealt with at once.”
How to Pick Up Broken Glass

pick up broken glass
“To pick up broken glass quickly and cleanly, a soft damp cloth will be found to be most effective, for it takes up all the small splinters.
“The best plan is to use an old piece of rag that can be thrown away with the glass.”
How to Extract a Splinter

extract a splinter
“A splinter embedded in the hand is often very painful to extract.
“A good way to accomplish this is to fill a wide-mouthed bottle with hot water nearly to the brim, and press affected part of hand tightly against mouth of bottle.
“The suction will pull down the flesh, and steam will soon draw out the splinter.”
How to Detect Dampness in a Bed

dampness in a bed
“In order to detect dampness in a strange bed and so be warned of the danger, a small hand mirror should be slipped between the sheets and left for a few minutes.
“Any mistiness or blurred appearance of the mirror’s surface when withdrawn is an indication of dampness, and the bed should not be slept in.”
How to Make a Fire Extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher
“Dissolve one pound of salt and half a pound of sal-ammoniac in two quarts of water and bottle the liquor in thin glass bottles holding about a quart each.
“Should a fire break out, dash one or more of the bottles into the flames, and any serious outbreak will probably be averted.”
How to Pull Out Long Nails

pulling out long nails
“It is often rather difficult to pull out a long nail from wood into which it has been driven, for when drawn out a short distance as in A, there is no purchase from which to pull it further.
“If, however, a small clock of wood be placed under the pincers, as in B, the nail can be pulled right out without difficulty.”
How to Light a Match In the Wind

light a match in the wind
“The familiar difficulty of lighting a match in a wind can be to a great extent overcome if thin shavings are first cut on the match towards its striking end, as shown in the picture.
“On lighting the match, the curled strips catch fire at once; the flame is stronger, and has a better chance.”

All images via The New York Public Library/Survival Life

We have all become a little too reliant on technology – even now you are probably reading this on a laptop! – and because of this we have forgotten basic skills don via our own two little hands.

Now is the time to remedy that. Really, get out there and learn how to change your car’s oil or build a fire pit in the backyard. Not only is it a great prepper exercise it’s also a great ego boost, being able to tell one and all you did it yourself!

For more old school survival skills visit Survival Life.

Featured Image via The New York Public Library/Survival Life


  1. Dana Kerr said:

    this first one is TERRIBLE advice… you end up with dented end nippers, if you use them that way….

    • Scott Blanchat said:

      No, it is the appropriate way. How would wood dent steel?

  2. Glen Smith said:

    I have one of those vintage nail pullers and it works great.

  3. Jeff S said:

    Dampness in a bed? Huh? Doesn’t a hand work as well?

  4. Jon Shearer said:

    I look at things like this and wonder how people DON’T know this kind of stuff.

  5. AL Carter said:

    We all hate the stupid…so very much… somehow we grew up and have manners now….why…im not sure… you hurt my brain… the dumb I canna take.

  6. Kawanta Lewis said:

    Lost if yere an idiot, or a white collar worker. Either way, I assure you, these survival hacks are well and workin.

  7. Evan Hawk said:

    Um,I use this stuff all the time. Not forgotten, just misplaced.lol

  8. Matthew Cobb said:

    Have three sets of these,with different handle lengths.very handy nail pulleys.

  9. James Matthew Waltman said:


  10. Roland Johnson said:

    Not lost, people just need to slow down a bit and think. Problem 1 is no one will slow down.

  11. Sheamus Yurdle McDurdle said:

    Ive used them to pull staples, nails even used them to twist out screws with stripped heads. There is a thousand different uses for them. They are quite handy.


