What Preppers Need to Know About Fermenting Food


Want to keep your GI tract healthy? Trying fermenting your food!

There are things that you need to know first to ferment your food. Luckily no special equipment is needed. All you need is vegetables, a starter (sugar, whey, salt or – seaweed!), some water, and an air-free container.

Just a note: Some foods don’t need the starter because they will eventually create the starter themselves!

Fermenting can be done efficiently and safely and provides several nutrients including probiotics, or good bacteria. It creates essential Omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies need but can’t produce, B vitamins, and enzymes that help with internal absorption.

Also, the probiotics created during the process help keep the bacteria in your GI tract in balance.

To learn more after the break, read up on fermenting foods. You will be glad you did!

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