14 Pieces of Weather Advice From the Pioneers

pioneers cabin

Back in the day, when farming was considered a good enterprise, the pioneers learned a lot merely by experience. Some of their observations were written down and others simply came to us by word of mouth over the generations.

Some sayings may seem odd and fanciful. Anything that uses a cow to predict rain today would probably be met with a raised eyebrow. Yet, we have to remember that these people lived by the good crop and weather. They would not say something out of the blue merely for effect.

Pioneers pretty much knew their business and we have to wonder if those hard-living people were to be transferred to this day and age, would they still keep the same mindset?

After the break go over to the next page and read fourteen pieces of weather advice you may have heard from your great grandmother or grandfather years ago.

They may make us smile but the sincerity is authentic!

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  1. Larry Wilson said:

    My Grandpa Walkers use to say. Want to see what Michigan weathers like. Open door. Look out. Best way

  2. Ruben Delagarza said:

    There I was reading the first page of the article then had to call myself a dummy because you guys never put useful information on the first page. Click bait? That’s not nice

  3. Lois Rice said:

    The print is to small to read! Please change! I love your site just wished I could read it!! Thanks!


