4 Unexpected Fire Starters That’ll Work During a SHTF Moment

fire starter

We know what you are thinking: Another fire making article? Just how many ways do they think we need to start a fire? You may already have two or three methods stored away, with paper and other potential accelerants too. BUT are they really enough?

You may already have two or three methods stored away, with paper and other potential accelerants too. BUT are they really enough?

We’re sure you may think so but who knows how long you and your family will be off the grid? All of what you currently have will work initially and maybe months into the future. But how about beyond that?

Knowing more never hurt anyone and even if you don’t keep the certain items in your pantry, bathroom or garage – or bug out bag – it is always good to know they exist, if ever you find yourself desperate.

After the break go over to the next page and find four more unusual and great accelerants that will work in a SHTF moment!

Next Page »


  1. Phil Cappella said:

    Any chip is great kindeling. A chip, potato, corn, flous even Andy Fries are and ediable wick. They are oil soaked fiber. They are NOT fire starters.. You need a flame to start them.. Adny Fries are great emergency candles, they last about 10 min.


