Author Archives: Katey Hawley

paracord water bottle holder

(VIDEO) He Takes Out a Water Bottle. All of the Mind-Boggling Survival Hacks He Shows Us? Insane!

(VIDEO) He Takes Out a Water Bottle. All of the Mind-Boggling Survival Hacks He Shows Us? Insane!

Plastic water bottles sometimes get a bad rap for being disposable. Some people prefer to use alternative containers for their water for environmental reasons like pollution, or health reasons like the presence of BPA in lower level plastics. While these are all fair points, one fact remains: plastic water bottles can be extremely convenient. They’re

essential oils

Using Essential Oils to Your Advantage When SHTF

People have been raving about essential oils for years, insisting that they possess holistic healing powers that can aid the body and the mind. Essential oils, which are actually not oils at all (they have no fatty acids) but plant components that are highly concentrated, can seem expensive and overrated. It might be easy to
