(VIDEO) He Takes Out a Water Bottle. All of the Mind-Boggling Survival Hacks He Shows Us? Insane!

paracord water bottle holder

Plastic water bottles sometimes get a bad rap for being disposable. Some people prefer to use alternative containers for their water for environmental reasons like pollution, or health reasons like the presence of BPA in lower level plastics.

While these are all fair points, one fact remains: plastic water bottles can be extremely convenient. They’re inexpensive, readily available, and they can be used for a multitude of purposes. Especially when it comes to survival situations!

Disposable plastic water is not only light weight for travel (and really – who wants to lug a stainless steel container around across long distances?), but they can be used to create numerous survival hacks. And let's face it, when it comes to survival, we can't always afford to be picky.

For 16 survival hacks using plastic water bottles, take a look on the next page!

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