Author Archives: Katey Hawley

cure bacon

(VIDEO) You Can Learn How to Salt and Cure Bacon. After it’s Done it Will be Delicious!

(VIDEO) You Can Learn How to Salt and Cure Bacon. After it’s Done it Will be Delicious!

Curing and salting meat has been around almost as long as humans have – there is evidence of salting and smoking meat all the way back from 300 B.C. Early artifacts show people utilizing this method from all over the world: Ancient Greeks and Romans, Natives from North America, Europeans from the Middle Ages, early

red rattlesnake

How to Survive a Venomous Snake Bite

Whether you’re living in an Indiana-Jones-like-fear of these creatures, or you don’t find them threatening at all, venomous snakes will bite you before you have time to really consider your options. Many people are bitten by snakes when they’re simply not paying attention. They forget to check their surroundings before they move, and end up

sweet potato patch

(VIDEO) These Cultivated Sweet Potatoes and Yams From the Wild Are Impressive. Check it Out!

Po-tat-oes. You know: “Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew.” And sweet potatoes! Who doesn’t love sweet potatoes? They’re basically vegetables disguised as dessert. And they’re healthy! Sweet potatoes are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. In some studies, research suggests that sweet potatoes actually have stronger levels of bioavailable beta-carotene than dark,

old wagon

14 Forgotten Survival Lessons From the Pioneers

When you think about it, the pioneers were a pretty remarkable group of people. They went out into the unknown with limited possessions and limited knowledge of the land surrounding them. They were unafraid to start from scratch, and to work new land that they could call their own, even if that meant working themselves
