Practical and Smart Ways on How to Make Your Family More Self Reliant

family hiking and in the field

In many ways, our culture struggles with the concept of self-reliance. Many of us are dependent on our fast-paced lifestyles and conveniences.

Many of us struggle to separate from the mindset of the crowd. In our consumer-driven culture, we often struggle to resist the temptation to buy things we do not need. We feel like we have to keep up pace with others, whether it's staying glued to our technological gadgets or competing for material goods.

We are removed from the food we do not grow ourselves, removed from the clothing and tools we do not create ourselves. With the exception of those of us in the backwoods in cabins without indoor plumbing, many of us are dependent upon comfort and convenience.

So how do we teach the concept of independence to our future generations?

After a break, discover some excellent ways to teach your family about self-reliance.

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