(VIDEO) You Can Learn How to Salt and Cure Bacon. After it’s Done it Will be Delicious!

cure bacon

Curing and salting meat has been around almost as long as humans have – there is evidence of salting and smoking meat all the way back from 300 B.C.

Early artifacts show people utilizing this method from all over the world: Ancient Greeks and Romans, Natives from North America, Europeans from the Middle Ages, early Africans, and it hasn’t stopped since then.

Obviously, the convenience of the modern freezer took away the need for many peoples to continue this ancient preservation method. It is still a widely practiced preservation method to this day.

Meats are most commonly cured and preserved through salting, which removes excess moisture and prevents bacterial growth that might spoil the meat. Smoke is also used to contain the outside layer of the meat, which prevents bacteria entry.

The combination of these two methods allows for the meat to last for years without refrigeration!

So, thinking of curing your own meat? Take a look on the next page to see how!

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One Comment;

  1. Paul Jones said:

    Nothing better than being able to cut it as thick as you like.


