(VIDEO) She Cuts Paper Towels in Half and Then Soaks Them in Vinegar. Her Reason Why? Brilliant!

paper towels cut in half

When you’re in a SHTF situation, you’ve got a lot on your mind. You’re hoping that your bug out bag is well stocked and that your bug out cabin is safe. Most likely, you’re not going to be stopping at the store to pick up some more Lysol wipes on the way.

These convenient little wipes can be expensive, and not to mention, filled with questionable ingredients. The good news? You don’t need them! You can actually make your own DIY version of kitchen wipes that are just as strong as convenient. And they can be made using items that you probably already have in your bug out shelter!

The two major materials in this “recipe” are paper towels and vinegar, both of which are extremely useful in multiple settings. So forget having to cough up additional cash to clean your kitchen.

Take a look on the next page to see how to make them!

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  1. Lex Kurosaki said:

    wtf is the reason.. just post it here… no need to go to another site.. thats what face book is.. a place where you can post$#%&!@* people arent dumb.. when it leads to another site.. its fake info and your getting paid off it for dumb asses who click your post


