In the modern era of smartphones, Google Maps, and GPS systems, it’s easy to forget about our not-so-distant past where maps were the only means of getting from point A to point B. And while it’s great to have all this wonderful technology access in our hands at any time, it also disconnects us from…
The Key to Making Sure Effective Prepper Communication Takes Place Post-Collapse
It is not something many of us plan for but, should a collapse take place, there will no doubt be a mob mentality. We do not like to think of a “brother against brother” scenario but anyone outside your survival tribe can be a threat. Panicked, a lot of people lash out and want…
If a Person Wants to Survive an EMP, Here’s What They MUST Do:
Of all possible disaster scenarios, an electromagnetic pulse blast (EMP) is one of the last situations one would want to think about. Fortunately, there isn’t a high probability of an EMP attack on this nation, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect preparation for a possible attack. We have a list of things you and…
(Video) How to Easily Tie a Square Knot for Survival
When it comes to a SHTF scenario you never know where you may end up. Most think of themselves hiking for miles in the wilderness to get to a bug-out shelter while others plan to bug-in. And still, others may head for the water! That’s right, those who have boats may very well stock-up those hardy…
6 Outdoor Survival Skills to Master for Living off the Grid
You’ve decided to live off the grid, congrats! That’s a huge undertaking, and only the strongest can survive. As much research and thought you put into off grid life, it’s important to be sure to brush up on your skills to thrive. If you’re a bit rusty on your survival skills, this article will give…
10 Post Collapse Skills That’ll be an Asset to Surviving Through it All
Someone once told us it is not the high paid computer experts or the three piece suited businessmen in this world that will save it when the SHTF. Instead, the men and women of the earth; farmers, woodsmen, and even those who have solar power know-how and are pioneers at heart, will keep this world…
(Video) How to Make Oil From Birch Bark is Not as Challenging as Many May Think!
Birch bark is a valuable resource that can be used in many applications including crafts, building, stationary, and natural medicine. One popular method involves turning birch bark into an oil and we’ve got a great video from Far North Bushcraft that shows you how it’s done. In this video, Lonny not only teaches us how…
(Video) She Shows Us How to Make a Deep Hole Fishing Trap. Just How Much This Helps With Fishing? I’m Impressed!
Some people work physically very hard for their daily meal. There is nothing wrong with that. However, there are others who use their brains to easily find food! Think about fishing. An industrious man or woman will go out in a boat with their nets and rod and probably bring home something nice. But that…
Is Big Brother Watching? Here’s How to Avoid Facial Recognition Software With These Tips!
Modern technology is a wonderful thing. Thanks to smartphones and tablet computers, we have access to all sorts of information on the go. Social media websites and apps allow us to stay in contact with everyone we know. There is no denying that today’s technologies have made this world so much easier and enjoyable for…
6 Signs That a Person is About to be Attacked
During any situation, whether during SHTF or on a daily basis, it’s important to be aware of our surroundings at all times. You never know what kind of dangers could be lurking around you. This article emphasizes this point by describing the tell-tale signs that someone is about to attack you. Even if you are…
Harmless or Hazardous? The Errors That Could Harm a Person or Worse…
When you’re out exploring the great outdoors, it’s easy to get comfortable taking care of your everyday needs, especially if you’re a seasoned explorer. You already know how to hunt for food, cook a meal, provide basic first aid, and start a small campfire. The basics are a great start, but sometimes it’s not enough.…
Native American Practices Everyone Should Add to Their Survival Skillset
As dedicated survivalists, we know that it’s important to learn the most basic skills for survival as well as a few other essential skills that aren’t as common. As one of the first survivalist communities, the Native American people have many skills that can be particularly useful when it comes to surviving and living comfortably…
The Most Important Bushcraft Skills a Person Should Take the Time to Learn
If you’re new to the survivalist world, then you might have heard of the term bushcraft. If you’re unsure what it means, this article will help you out. Bushcraft skills are skills that can help you survive without using man-made tools. Learning a few of these basic and import skills can see your life during…
Supplies Cowboys Had in Their Possession Will Also Help Us Survive Today in Any Situation
We tend to think of a cowboy as some guy from yesteryear, one of those tough and burly men who rode the range, steering cattle in the right direction, corralling the beasts, then doing the big brand! They were all that but they were also survivalists and preppers of sorts. These were the men…
What to Do When a Home Gets Invaded…
Whether we like it or not, a home invasion is a possibility, no matter where you live. Urban, suburban, rural, even wilderness, it does not matter. If someone is desperate enough or is a criminal, invading your home is a possibility. This is particularly true in tough economic times or if you live in an…
FEMA Markings and Why They are Important to Know and Understand
If you have ever been in a large scale disaster area – say after a hurricane or tornado – you undoubtedly have seen markings on the front access point of buildings. Those are codes for FEMA searchers and they tell a lot about the state of the building, what might or might not be in…
When Encountering a Mountain Lion in the Wild, This is What a Person Should Never Do…
Mountain lions are one of the most feared predator in the US, and while a lot of this fear is caused by a misunderstanding of this animal, they are still dangerous enough to garner an enormous amount of respect. Luckily the chances of running into a cougar anywhere in the wilderness are slim since they…
(Video) Man Shows Us the Lost Art of Self-Reliance and in the Process Reminds Us How Important it is to Invest in Lost Skills
There are a lot of skills that we in today’s world take for granted due to others mastering them for us and automation. Not many of us, for example, actually know how to wire our house or do the plumbing or even do much repair work beyond the very simple and straight forward. The same…
Survival Gear and Skills – The Basics Everyone Should Follow at a Minimum
If you are just starting out as a camper, hiker, fisherman, hunter or survivalist, what to buy in terms of “survival gear” and what skills to learn can be a daunting prospect. First, there are so many different options. Then, there is the cost of most brand name survival stuff. On top of that, you…
Incredible Native American Survival Skills That Can Benefit Us Today
As Americans, coming from near and far, we have much to answer for when it comes to the first Americans, aka, American Indians or Native Americans. We won’t go into the how and why recompense is needed but rather look into their survival history and how we can learn from it. Native Americans are some…