In the vast majority of cases where people get lost in the wilderness, they are not “lost” so much as “lost their way” and know generally where they are or fall within the boundaries of normal search and rescue parameters. With some cases, however, they truly are both lost and stranded and beyond normal search…
These 6 Tips Will Advance a Person’s Skills as a Survivor
As a survivalist, we are all about making sure we are ready for the end of days, many of us are simply prepping for inevitable everyday disasters! Meaning, those unhappy things that nature has wrought. RE: Tornadoes, power-outages, floods, earthquakes, and a number of things we, as human beings, have little or no control over.…
Compass Basics – What Survivalists Should Make Sure They Know
It is always good to know the direction you are heading – whether you are hiking, on a road trip or lost somewhere (in the woods, at sea, etc.) Directional bearings give you a sense of where you are headed, even if it is only in a general sense. In a survival situation, they allow…
(Video) How to Quickly and Efficiently Hotwire a Car
It’s an unfortunate situation: You have a vital work meeting to get to, or your child needs to be picked up from school, but you can’t find your car keys. Either you misplaced them somewhere, and you forget to pick them up, or they fell out of your pocket as you went throughout your day.…
Barehanded Self-Defense Targets Every Survivalist Should Master
A perfect world scenario is one where a survival incident occurs, everyone gets along, pitches in and gets through it as a unified force of optimism, perseverance, innovation, and harmony. In the real world, some do that, to be sure, but many resort to their basest instincts and view every survivor as a target and…
(Video) Join This Bushcrafter for a Spring Bug Out Excursion – Looks so Inviting!
He battles insects, humidity, and the idea he may have to have a vegan lunch! But also watch as he does battle with mosquitoes and black flies. It’s a tough day for a well-taught survivalist! Bushcrafter, Joe Robinet, take us into an overnight trip out in the wilderness. We spend the day with him, watching…
Scoring, Juggling and Hewing: How to Convert Logs to Lumber the Old Fashioned Way
Modern life has allowed us to take a lot of things for granted. One area virtually everyone takes for granted is lumber – we go to a box home improvement store, pick out the size we want, buy it, take it home and use it as we intended (hopefully). Almost none of us give any…
9 Skills Everyone Should Take the Time to Master
There are many elements to being able to successfully make it through a survival situation. Depending on the severity of the crisis you face, each of those elements – presence of mind, preparation, innovation, adaptability, flexibility and fitness are all vital keys to ensuring you have what you need to power through safely and as…
Big Brother is Watching. Avoid Facial Recognition Software by Following These Vital Tips.
There’s no doubt about it, modern technology is incredible. We have access to information everywhere thanks to smartphones and other gadgets. Plus due to social media and smartphone application, we are now able to stay in touch with whoever we’d like wherever we go. Today’s technology has made the world an amazing place, but there’s…
7 Critical Ways to Blend in During a Disaster
Blending in during a survival situation is a very under-estimated skill. The tendency of almost everyone is to make sure everyone knows you are prepared and ready for whatever you have to face. This is a huge mistake! It is critical to your being able to make it through successfully, especially if you are stuck…
8 Hobbies That Are Ideal in Every Single Way for Preppers
If you’ve been thinking about taking up another hobby, you may be wondering which ones are worth your time. Not only do you want to choose something that’s fun, but you also want something that is beneficial to your lifestyle. We got a small list of fun activities you may really want to consider. All…
(Video) Ingenious Ways to Open a Lock. Watch and Learn!
If you have ever found yourself in a position where you really need to get into a building or open a gate but it is locked, you know the frustration of not having a key. Sometimes you forget it or maybe it is just lost! You can always hire a locksmith but they cost a…
6 Modern Homesteading Skills That’ll Make All the Difference. Everyone Should Learn These Skills ASAP!
Technology and modern conveniences have changed the way we homestead. It’s easy to get caught up in personal interests and to replace the traditional means of completing tasks with easier alternatives. Conveniences are always a nice thing to have, but there are some skills every homesteader should know. We’re about to share 6 useful homesteading…
(Video) Just How Good Are a Person’s Eyes? This Could Determine a Lot During a Pivotal Survival Situation!
When the SHTF we will need to use all of our senses to get us through some really tough times. More than even the sense of smell and touch will be our sense of sight. We truly will need to see, as well as listen, to what we are getting ourselves into. But how…
(Video) He Shows Us an Effective and Incredible Way of Removing a Tree Stump:
When it’s time to clear your land, whether it be for your bug-out shelter or simply wanting to get rid of that annoyance in the front of backyard, you pretty much can expect it to take a day or two. In this case we are talking about tree stumps, and anyone who has ever dug…
(Video) How to Gather Natural Cordage During a Survival Situation
Cordage is one of the most scarce things you will find yourself in need of during an emergency situation. What should you do if you have no strings, ropes, or cords? What if you had rope, but you already used it up? Well. we’re about to show you how to gather natural cordage when you’re…
3 Clever Tips for Locating Game Every Hunter Must Know
The majority of us do not hunt, but that might become a thing of the past if we are ever faced with a survival situation. Whether it makes you squeamish or not, hunting is one way to ensure that you have access to protein, vitamins, and minerals. Unfortunately, despite what many people think, hunting for…
4 Tactical Tips to Implement So Maneuvering Like an Elite Operator is Possible
While you may think that you’ve got all your bases covered when it comes to prepping and getting your shelter set up for a collapse, there are a few more things you need. One of them being a particular set of skills and abilities that can help you navigate a collapse like a pro. These…
(Video) How to Pick 5 Digit Combo Locks. Yes, it’s Possible!
During any time of trial or chaos, you may find yourself needing to get into a combination locked building or compartment. Yet, if you do not have the combination you’ll find yourself, at first, cursing then looking back on the day when someone tried to show you how to break into those locks but you…
How to Prepare for an Earthquake Disaster
Unless you live in one of the earthquake prone areas of the country, most people do not actively think about an earthquake at all, let alone as a survival scenario. But the reality is almost every state has at least one earthquake prone fault and while the odds are very low, given the right circumstances,…