When the SHTF we will need to use all of our senses to get us through some really tough times. More than even the sense of smell and touch will be our sense of sight. We truly will need to see, as well as listen, to what we are getting ourselves into.
But how good is our eyesight? When was the last time you had your eyes check and when you had it done did the optometrist really do an all inclusive exam?
After the break go to the next page. Take a test, in four stages, that will show you just how good your sight is. It gets a little more difficult as you move along and by the time you get to stage four you may find yourself blinking more than once.
Yet, if your eyesight is more than exceptional you just may surprise those you love and yourself with some crazy results! Go take the test!
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Click on it only to have to go to another page.. To then click on a video. This page is purely freakin annoying!