As a survivalist, we are all about making sure we are ready for the end of days, many of us are simply prepping for inevitable everyday disasters! Meaning, those unhappy things that nature has wrought. RE: Tornadoes, power-outages, floods, earthquakes, and a number of things we, as human beings, have little or no control over.
Although we have been prepping for a while it was not until last year, when we experienced our first tornado and power outage, that we realized, hands-on, how important it was to be organized and well-equipped. Our emergency bug out bag truly did come in handy.
The extra cash we stored away when the ATM was shut down for a few days, those extra batteries, hand wound flashlights/radios, and even something as simple has having a manual can opener, were very important in making us more comfortable when no one had electricity!
We were ready but others we knew, although they made it past the damage, would have been in some serious trouble if the power had not returned after three or four days.
On the next page, we are going to give you six (6) tips that will advance a person's survival skills.
You may think you have it all figured out but it is a good idea to sit back and rethink what is important to you and other survivors!
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Nick Greer
Danny Rigel