Survival Hacks articles

torch from a Red Bull can

(VIDEO) You’ll Never Guess What Common Item You Can Use to Make a Torch. This is Insane!

(VIDEO) You’ll Never Guess What Common Item You Can Use to Make a Torch. This is Insane!

Flashlights will flicker out. Headlamps will slip off and shatter. Cellphone screens will eventually go dim and run out. When all of your high-tech lighting solutions eventually fail you, you will have no choice but to rely on more traditional means to provide light for your campsite or for your nightly travels to take care

plastic bags

12 Insanely Clever Survival Uses for… Plastic Bags!

Plastic bags are everywhere. Despite some large cities beginning to ban the bags due to environmental concerns, they will likely still be here for a long time to come. Plastic bags are everywhere because they are cheap to manufacture, and their light weight means more of them can be transported at lower costs than paper

aluminum foil

9 Phenomenal Uses for Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil, the common kitchen tool used for cooking in an oven and keeping food warm until dinnertime, actually has a lot of uses. For instance, a proper wrapping of aluminum foil around your head will keep your mind from being read by aliens and will prevent the government from controlling your movements via remote
