17 Ways This Inexpensive Household Item Can Help You Survive

coffee filter

One of the cheapest and very versatile survival tools are coffee filters.

I know, they have their drawbacks and sometimes get oversold.

So do most preparedness items. Have you ever actually eaten an MRE?

More importantly, have you eaten them for a week?

Let's face it; they might be the solution in a pinch, but easy to muscle down for days on end?

There is a reason they are considered “survival food” and a reason our military members (thank you) do all they can to alter them to make them edible for days on end.

The same logic applies to coffee filters – they are not “cure-alls” but they can play a role in many different ways that make surviving easier.

That is critical to making it through any survival situation;

To see how to use coffee filters as a survival tool, check out the next page.

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