(VIDEO) He Cut a Pop Tab and Made it Into Something Useful. When I Figured Out Why, I Couldn’t Wait to Try it!

pop tab

Okay, so you've seen how drinking straws, condoms, hand sanitizer and emergency blankets can be hacked to provide more uses than one person could imagine. What else could possibly be hacked?

As it turns out, almost any everyday object can be turned into a useful tool by someone who knows how to think outside the box and see the object for what it can be. This thinking makes a condom into a fire starter and straw into a travel case.

In the video on the following page, you'll see how a pop tab (or a soda tab, for you other heathens) can be turned into a wide variety of tools for survival and general use around the house. You can go fishing with it; you can keep cords from getting tangled, and you can even use it to hang things up around your camp or home.

To learn just how to utilize this often overlooked tool, check out the video on the next page.

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