Check Out These Insane Uses for Wood Ash – If Only I Would Have Known This Sooner!

wood ash

Wood ash is something many of us have too much of. Either we have it in buckets from our wood furnaces, or there are a few piles of it out back that were scooped from the fire pit.

What to do with these ashes is always a good question, because you don't want it cluttering up your space, and it feels wrong to dump simply it in a ditch somewhere.

The good news is, there are an awful lot of perfectly good uses for those wood ashes around your home. Essentially, this is a free provided resource for you as a byproduct of those delightful fires you love having so much.

Once you've seen this list, you'll be going out of your way to stock up on as much of this fantastic resource as possible.

Go to the next page to start educating yourself on the many uses of wood ashes.

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