With This Easy Trick, You Can Remove Sticky Stuff From Just About Any Surface

sticker removal

Removing sticky residue from labels, stickers, and price tags is pretty much a full-time job if you are of a thrifty mindset. By this I mean you save jars from peanut butter, jelly, salsa, spaghetti sauce, etc. only to have to deal with removing that sticky residue that remains when you try to remove the label to repurpose the jar.

If you shop a lot at Goodwill, you probably have noticed that those stupid price tags that they like to use will absolutely never come off in one piece. You're always left with a shredded mess that you now have to scrape away with a knife, which will never fully remove the sticky residue. But what if there was an easier way?

Turns out there is. A much easier way. If you want to learn this awesome method, check out the video on the next page.

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