Author Archives: William Simpson

water survival

7 Aspects of Survival You Must Consider

No matter how much you prepare for a survival situation unless you manage to pull off “blind luck,” there will items or areas you discover you could have planned and prepared for better. That reality, by the way, applies to much more than just survival – it also applies to just about every event we

urban verses rural prepper

The Differences Between an Urban Prepper and Rural Prepper

Most survivalists live in a more rural environment and consider many survival skills – like hunting, fishing, using alternative heat or electricity sources, growing our own food, etc., to be part of “normal life.” A few have experience living in both urban and rural environments and know the skills of the rural survivalist (although we


CPR Fundamentals a Prepper Should Know

As most of us know, CPR is an emergency response to someone who has stopped breathing or who has had their heart stop pumping blood. The principle behind it is to mimic the natural movement of the heart and lungs thus artificially introducing oxygen and blood flow to a person until either they revive or

old refrigerator

4 Clever Ways to Re-Purpose an Old Refrigerator

Re-purposing old and broken down stuff and recycling what is practical to recycle is part and parcel of being a good survivalist. It comes with the territory that people who want to be prepared for life after a survival situation are mindful. They desire to use whatever is at their disposal, save what they can

suicide bomber

How to Act if You Feel a Terrorist Attack is Eminent

Unfortunately, terrorism has become a central concern for most of America. Realistically, terrorism has been with us for the entire history of our country, but recent years have brought the random nature of it closer to home. The Boston Marathon bombing, San Bernardino, 9-11, a host of loan wolf attacks and several attempted terrorist attacks


[VIDEO] Cattails – The Unsung Superfood

Whether your situation is one of self-sustainability, where you want to use every available food source you can find, or are facing a survival situation, where food is a vital element of the Principles of three, one easy to find and harvest food source is the Cattail. Cattail, or Typha, is a genus of 30
