The Differences Between an Urban Prepper and Rural Prepper

urban verses rural prepper

Most survivalists live in a more rural environment and consider many survival skills – like hunting, fishing, using alternative heat or electricity sources, growing our own food, etc., to be part of “normal life.”

A few have experience living in both urban and rural environments and know the skills of the rural survivalist (although we are probably out of practice) as well as how to cope with a survival situation in a City.

Even fewer still live solely in an urban environment, and their survival skills are much different than the skills of the rural survivalist.

The challenges facing those in an urban environment are much different than those facing someone living in the country. Virtually everything is different from a survival perspective – what is available, what you need, how to remain unseen or unnoticed, what to be wary of, etc.

On the next page, watch a fantastic video that discusses rural versus urban survivalist.

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