4 Clever Ways to Re-Purpose an Old Refrigerator

old refrigerator

Re-purposing old and broken down stuff and recycling what is practical to recycle is part and parcel of being a good survivalist.

It comes with the territory that people who want to be prepared for life after a survival situation are mindful. They desire to use whatever is at their disposal, save what they can and use these items in the future.

Larger appliances, however, are one area that most of us struggle to practically re-use or re-purpose – mainly because re-purposing these types of items requires “out-of-the-box” thinking that can sometimes elude us.

They also can take up a lot of room, so in some cases, where space is limited, re-purposing an old refrigerator is next to impossible.

On the next page, we cover several ideas for using an old refrigerator in practical ways.

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  1. James Carey said:

    Turned ours into a smoker.just make sure its a old one made of metal.new ones are plastic crap


