Survival Fire articles

self feeding fire

(Video) This Self Feeding Fire is Something Else. It’ll Easily Burn for 14+ Hours!

(Video) This Self Feeding Fire is Something Else. It’ll Easily Burn for 14+ Hours!

If you are going to be outside for a while during a collapse, making this self-feeding fire that can burn for hours is perfect for SHTF situations! One of the most important skills any good prepper should know for a disruptive event is how to build a good fire. A strong fire can not only

group of people sitting around a fire

How to Make the World’s Longest Burning Campfire

If you’re one of those guys who grabs the can of lighter fluid or gasoline every time you’re planning on starting a bonfire, just put that down right now. It’s smelly, toxic, dangerous, and most of all, unnecessary. Plus, to any of your friends who happen to know how to properly build a campfire, it
