(Video) This Survivalist Takes Out a Quartz. Now Watch How He Effortlessly Uses it to Start a Fire…

how to start a fire with quartz

It never ceases to amaze us how many different methods there are when it comes to making fire. This time all it takes is using quartz and, thanks to the guys at Dual Survival, we learn how to make it work for us.

But that is after they build a lean-to shelter and tell us about birch tree fungus which is, as it turns out a terrific fire tinder!

We’ve said it before, the more you know ahead of time the better off you will be when the grid goes down. If learning multiple ways of creating fire is in the cards so be it.

We do not know what will happen years down the line after the SHTF so learning basic skills is a must!

And if by chance, you meet a family less prepared than yourself the knowledge you have could save them and maybe the rest of humanity!

Learn how to use a quartz to start a fire and a few other bonus skills demonstrated in the video after the break!

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