Author Archives: Katey Hawley


(Video) While Swimming Underwater, Two Men Encounter a Hippo. Just How Deadly This Could Have Been? I Had to Catch My Breath!

(Video) While Swimming Underwater, Two Men Encounter a Hippo. Just How Deadly This Could Have Been? I Had to Catch My Breath!

When thinking about the most dangerous animals on the continent of Africa, most minds wander over to the big cats and venomous snakes that roam the plains. The lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Or the Black Mamba, the Boomslang, or Egyptian Cobra. Or maybe you think of wild dogs, like the hyena. But the hippopotamus is

ripe bananas

How to Utilize Banana Peels in the Garden

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but bananas are wonderful. You can eat them plain, put them in a smoothie, drizzle them with chocolate and put them in the freezer – it doesn’t matter. They’re delicious. And they’re also good for you. They’re loaded with fiber, potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Magnesium.
