Preparing for SHTF With a Spouse Who Doesn’t Support Prepping

couple looking at mountains

Preparing for the SHTF moment is stressful enough on its own. You’ve got stores of food and supplies to maintain, bug out shelters to build, and techniques to master before it all goes down.

But add to the mix a partner that doesn’t necessarily see the point in all of this “extra” work? That makes it that much more of a challenge.

Sometimes survival is easier on your own, but let's face it: we want our loved ones to make it by our side. We might think we are being helpful by explaining the necessity when in reality we are only alienating them more to our cause!

It’s a touchy subject in some households, but there’s a way to go about discussing it with your spouse or partner without causing a huge fight.

Check out some important SHTF spouse advice on the next page!

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