(Video) While Swimming Underwater, Two Men Encounter a Hippo. Just How Deadly This Could Have Been? I Had to Catch My Breath!


When thinking about the most dangerous animals on the continent of Africa, most minds wander over to the big cats and venomous snakes that roam the plains. The lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Or the Black Mamba, the Boomslang, or Egyptian Cobra. Or maybe you think of wild dogs, like the hyena.

But the hippopotamus is in a terrifying league of its own. They might not look at threatening as predatory cats, but running into hippo into the wild might very well cost you your life.

Their incredible size and aggressive temperament are not in your favor, and they are known for charging and attacking humans and boats. So running into one underwater is probably not what you want to do.

These guys went swimming and came across a hippo. And what happened? Take a look on the video on the next page to find out…

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