When the going gets tough, resources become limited. You have to work with the things you’re given and oftentimes that’s a challenge. This is why it’s always a good idea to have specific items that can be used again and again. We’re about to show you a cool pistol called Contender, and it’s a great…
4 Must-Follow Rules for Concealed Carry
Carrying a handgun is serious business, whether it is out in the open or concealed. Why you should be carrying a concealed weapon is your own business. Sometimes it is for work purposes and other times it is a simple choice taken by an individual. Whatever the reason, it is yours alone and we respect…
(Video) Making an Incredible Bug Out Knife From Fish Hooks. Yes, it’s Possible! Here’s How:
If you have spare fish hooks laying around in the house, you may be wondering how to put them to good use, especially if you don’t go fishing often. We’re about to share a nifty little video that shows you how to make a knife from fish hooks. Making a knife from fishing hooks is…
Hiding Firearms – Pros, Cons, What to Do and More Importantly What Not to Do…
When it comes to firearms, there are so many ways to hide them. On top of that, there are specific ways of doing so without breaking any rules or laws. Part of being a prepper is having all the tools and weapons on hand to live a life of survival when SHTF. However, handling weapons…
How to Construct a Primitive Tool That’s Worth Having at a Prepper’s Side When a Survival Situation Hits
Sometimes the best skills are the skills that have been long lost for generations. We often get comfortable with the skills and tasks that we’re used to and often neglect the methods that served our ancestors well. We’re about to show you one skill you probably forgotten about or perhaps never even heard of. That…
Ammo Storage Tips Everyone Must Follow to Ensure it’ll Work When Needed
In a severe survival crisis, there are certain “tools of the trade” that everyone who wants to stand a chance must have in their possession before a survival crisis arises. Those include a reliable knife, firearm, fire starter and in many ways, most importantly, reliable ammunition. This often overlooked aspect of a survival kit is so…
4 Vital Tips to Follow for Defensive Shooting After a Survival Situation
In a moment’s notice, you can find yourself in real danger where your defense skills come into play. You may even have to use weapons and in this case, a gun. If you’re gearing up for SHTF or any other collapse, it’s important to be prepared for any kind of danger. Be it an environmental…
Low Profile Weaponry: Why Everyone Should Consider Adding to an Existing Arsenal of Weapons
Low profile weaponry is often overlooked because most people assume super small weapons like pocket knives and switchblades. These weapons are nice to have but aren’t the kind of weapons you need in dire situations. We’re about to show you examples of low profile weapons you’ll want to invest in. These particular weapons are good…
Hiding Firearms – Pros, Cons, What to Do and What Not to Do…
In a true, hardcore survival crisis – say like in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, civil authorities have an obligation to restore and maintain the peace. That means, in some cases, they will take drastic measures such as imposing curfews, searching persons and in the more dire situations, confiscating firearms. In the…
4 Ultimate Rules to Follow When Carrying a Concealed Weapon After the Fall
Survivalists know there are times when you have to go into stealth mode. Concealing a weapon during a pivotal moment could ultimately save your life, but it’s a good idea to conceal it. If you ever end up in a situation where you must carry a concealed carry, there are some important things to keep…
How to Cut Feathers to Construct Survival Arrow Fletchings
Making your own arrow fletchings is one way to get closer to your weapons as you strive to get back to the basics as it pertains to hunting. It also is a good skill to know just in case you find yourself in a survival situation and your traditional or “go-to” approach to defense or…
The 6mm Creedmoor: Is This the Next Big Thing in Long-Range Shooting?
Even if you do not consider yourself a hunter or feel, at this moment, a rifle is a necessity of life, as a prepper and/or survivalist, you know a weapon will eventually be needed. When the SHTF we may not just be hunting for our food but keeping our families secure. Both will be paramount…
Ammo Storage Dos and Don’ts Preppers Should Learn and Memorize
In our struggle to survive, collecting everything we need to keep ourselves safe during a SHTF scenario, there are some things much easier to gather than others. We pretty much have the vegetable and fruit canning down, our medications packed away, and that bug-out bag is looking real good. However, guns and ammo – while…
What Gun Ban? A Few People Have Found a Way Around California’s Ban on Assault Rifles
The should and should not’s regarding assault rifles are challenging to write about. Some feel there ought to be regulations on assault rifles and others do not want to see that happen, citing it can be a stepping stone to banning all of their weapons altogether. Whatever side you are on, there are a few…
4 Rifles a Person Should Add to Their Arsenal for Cheap Ammo
Protection is and certainly will be important in the years to come. When the SHTF you will not want to find yourself without a weapon to protect you and your family. And, for that matter, you may very well need to hunt to provide sustenance for the spouse and kids. A rifle will be needed,…
An Ideal (if Not the Best) Rifle a Person Can Purchase Under $100
The old adage “You get what you pay for” rings true in many scenarios, but that doesn’t mean you should always opt for the more expensive versions. There are times when being a savvy shopper pays off. Sometimes it takes a little more time to properly research and review specific products but it’s all worth…
An Amazing (if Not the Best) Rifle a Person Can Buy Under $100
In this day and age, when finding a good hunting knife for under one hundred dollars ($100) is a bargain, it is the rare prospect to find a good rifle for the same price. Granted, a rifle for under two hundred dollars may not be the best but the one we want to talk with…
(Video) Check Out a Survival Shotgun That Can Fire 12 Different Calibers and Fits in a Bug Out Bag
How often have you gone out into the wilderness, planning to do some big game hunting, and see a perfect target but decide to let it go. It has to be done because you have brought the wrong rifle! If the bullet is too big and powerful it just might blow that rabbit or wild turkey to…
(Video) How to Construct a Long-Lasting Traditional Bow
Getting back to bow and arrow hunting is a new and wonderful experience. Anyone can go out into the woods with a rifle and hunt deer or moose for dinner but when you have a bow you are talking about being a real sportsman. No, it’s not easy but that is the point. You are…
(Video) This is the Coolest Survival Rifle a Person Will Ever See
We started with a rather powerful pistol and if there was one thing I wished for back in those days when I worked in security it was to be initiated with something a bit simpler. Okay, maybe it is the female in me – originally a little timid with guns of any kind – but…