In a true, hardcore survival crisis – say like in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, civil authorities have an obligation to restore and maintain the peace.
That means, in some cases, they will take drastic measures such as imposing curfews, searching persons and in the more dire situations, confiscating firearms.
In the chaos of New Orleans immediately following the storm, when looters and criminals were preying on law abiding victims, draconian measures were not just needed, they were imperative.
The same could happen in any dire situation, which means gun confiscation is a last resort but is one possibility.
If that is the case, then as a law abiding citizen, you have a choice as to what to do with your firearm.
You can hand it in or you can hide it and you should use common sense regarding which option is better.
If you decide to hide your firearms, here are some tips you must follow.
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Now they all know
What about hounds and k9? They can sure can find guns.
Now I like those weapons. I want the rifles
Andy Allen
Waterproof drop bag or box connected to a chain or cable anchored a few feet offshore underwater. Then toss it out and sink it. Later, wade out, grab the cable, reel your guns back in