4 Rifles a Person Should Add to Their Arsenal for Cheap Ammo


Protection is and certainly will be important in the years to come. When the SHTF you will not want to find yourself without a weapon to protect you and your family. And, for that matter, you may very well need to hunt to provide sustenance for the spouse and kids. A rifle will be needed, especially for those of us prepared to bug-out!

While we know that there is no such thing as “cheap ammo” there is definitely less expensive ammunition and it is for those survivalists, preppers, homesteaders, and bush crafters that want a weapon but are not sure where to start that we write this article!

Granted, the rifles displayed on the next page may not be the easiest weapons to operate, some rifle owners may not like them much while others love them passionately! But when it comes to your hard-earned cash they give you the biggest bang for the buck!

Take a look on the next page and, by all means, let us know what weapon(s) you feel is/are the most economical in regards to ammunition and quality!

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