Fire is a pretty basic and in most cases, pretty critical element of survival. Whether you are stuck in your house with no power during cold weather months or stranded in the wilderness and just about everything in between, at least a survival situation is made much more tolerable if you can create and maintain…
3 Essential Fire Starters a Prepper Should Never be Without
There are 3 important things every survivalist needs in a bugout situation: food, water, and fire. We’re about to help you out by sharing a list of 3 fire starters you should have in your bag. It’s always a good idea to have more than one fire starter in case one of your fire starters…
(Video) This Survival Item Has a Dual Purpose: First Aid and Fire Tinder!
When you’re prepping for SHTF, having all of the right tools and supplies readily available and easy to carry is essential. What’s even better is to have plenty of supplies that don’t take much space so that you can carry larger and more essential items with you. In this video tutorial on the next page,…
(Video) He Just Poured Sugar, But a Couple of Seconds Later? This is the Best Survival Hack EVER!
In need of a quick and easy way to start a fire? You’re about to be impressed! The best part about this is that you don’t need any matches! With some sugar, a stick and one other chemical, you can easily create a fire in a second! No hassle and no extra effort needed. It…
(Video) This Ultimate Stealth Fire is Something Every Person Needs to Learn How to Perfect!
Practice makes perfect so we always recommend a prepper or survivor to step up their game and try something new. Making a campfire is one of those fundamental things we learn but, once mastered, there really is no need to do it over and over again, right? Maybe, but building your campfire above ground…
(Video) This Prepper Demonstrates the Eskimo Strap Drill Method of Friction Fire and it’s Awe-Inspiring!
Note: This video is a bit long, but well worth watching through the entire thing. If you need a primitive fire starting method, this one is hard to beat if you follow the instructions! The Eskimo Strap Drill method of starting a fire relies on friction between two pieces of wood to heat a…
(Video) Here’s How to Start an Emergency Fire With a Cell Phone Battery
A broken cell phone may prove to be useful in certain situations. If you ever find yourself lost in the woods or in a life-or-death situation and all you have is a broken cellphone, you’ve got something to start a fire with. Take the battery out of the phone and place it on a rock…
(Video) Can a Prepper Start a Fire with a Sandwich Bag? Watch and Find Out!
When using the elements surrounding you, you may be surprised just how easy it is to make use of them! For example, sometimes all you need is a piece of plastic and natural elements to create a small fire in your campsite. his video comes from The King of Random’s Grant Thompson and in This video…
(Video) The Foolproof Way to Get a Fire to Start After it Rains
Don’t let a rain storm interfere with your campfire. Imagine this: you worked hard to build yourself a nice little fire and expect it to last throughout the night, then your plans are interrupted by a heavy rainstorm. There may not be much you can do about it after the fact, but you may be able…
(Video) This Homesteader Shows Us How He Stacks His Firewood. How it Effectively Works for Him? So Clever!
We’re nearing the end of the winter season and edging closer to springtime, but it’s never too early to think about prepping for next winter. If you’re thinking about collecting firewood next season, or you’re looking for a new way to store it, we got a video you’ll probably find valuable. The video we’re about…
(Video) 5 Incredible Ways to Make a Fire Without a Spark!
No lighter, no match? No problem! There are many ways to start a fire with just everyday items or natural things and we’re about to show you five different ways to do that. Some of the techniques you may have heard of or even tried, but other techniques may surprise you. This video comes from…
(Video) He Takes Out a Lemon. What Insane Survival Hack He Demonstrates? So Cool!
Science meets survival with the cool experiment we’re about to share with you. It’s surprising that with just a lemon you can make this incredible survival tool, but it’s true. You can make a fire with a small fire with a lemon and NorthSurvival shows you how to do it. In the video, he demonstrates…
(Video) This Ultimate Stealth Fire is Something Every Survivalist Needs to Learn How to Perfect!
If you’re ever in a survival situation where you need to camp out in a remote location while remaining hidden from other people or wildlife, stealth camping is the way to go. In order to successfully set up a small campsite that can easily be demolished, you need to master the art of an underground…
(Video) This Self Feeding Fire Can Burn for 14 Hours or More! Incredible!
You already know how to start a small campfire and keep it going, but there may be some situations where a longer-lasting fire is necessary. We’ve got a cool video that will show you how to set up and start a self-feeding fire that lasts over 12 hours. The video is from Bob Hansler and…
(Video) Find Out Why This Item is a Must Have for Winter Preparedness
We’re already halfway through the winter season but it’s never too late to think about preparing for winter emergencies. February and March are often the coldest months of the year, and now is the time to start thinking about snow storms and possible power outages. Don’t let your family suffer from the frigid cold air…
(Video) How to How to Make a Wood Stove Cooker Using a Couple of Old Car Rims
We bet you are one of those preppers or homesteaders that had acquired some new welding equipment and thought, when you initially got it, you would be using the tool often. But in reality, you haven’t been working with it as much as you wanted. After the grid goes down it may really come in…
Why a Person Should Consider Adding Coal Extenders to Their Traditional Fire Kit
If you haven’t heard of coal extenders, then you’re in for a treat. When you’re starting a fire the traditional way, you might have trouble keeping it going for extended periods of time. You might run out of wood or other materials. Weather conditions, like rough winds, can make it impossible for your fire to…
(Video) This Strange Looking Stove Uses 80 Percent Less Wood Than a Traditional Stove. Here’s How:
The first thing we thought about while listening to the details regarding this rocket mass heater was the shows we watch on television showing men and women living in the coldest regions of Alaska. Talk about people, and the communities, who could sincerely benefit from a smokeless heater and stove — that also requires nearly…
(Video) Check Out the Differences Between an Egg VS a Gas Torch During an Experiment. WOW!
Ever wonder what would happen if you put an egg up against a blow torch? Well, now that it’s on your mind, you’ll definitely want to find out! This video shows you what happens when a gas blow torch is used on several household objects. You’ll be surprised to see what happens! Some items explode,…
(Video) When I Learned About a Fire Starter Hack That Extends a Fire, I Added it to My Bug Out Bag Right Away!
Get ready to add another crafty fire starter hack to your bug out bag. This simple and easy trick will help you boost your fire and get it burning a lot faster in the harshest weather. If you know you’re headed for a rough terrain, starting a fire will seem like a piece of cake…