(Video) He Just Poured Sugar, But a Couple of Seconds Later? This is the Best Survival Hack EVER!

fire without matches

In need of a quick and easy way to start a fire? You're about to be impressed! The best part about this is that you don't need any matches!

With some sugar, a stick and one other chemical, you can easily create a fire in a second! No hassle and no extra effort needed. It practically starts itself!

When you see this incredible tutorial, you're going to want to stock up on these two ingredients. Just remember, to use this method of fire building with caution!

As preppers, it's important to stay safe and to be responsible! You need to see this tutorial.

Check out the video on the next page to find out how you can build a fire without any matches!

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  1. John Stiles said:

    So…you think I’m going to carry these ingredients around with me “just in case”? Naw…I think a BIC is easier.


