Survival Hacks articles

logs and rope flip flop winch

(Video) He Used Two Logs and a Rope. Just How Useful This SHTF Trick Is? Incredible!

(Video) He Used Two Logs and a Rope. Just How Useful This SHTF Trick Is? Incredible!

Have you ever stopped to consider what you would do with your vehicle got stuck in the mud during a SHTF situation? Sure, you should have been a lot more careful, but it doesn’t do any good to dwell on that now. If you happen to have a few supplies, such as a few logs

WD 40 uses

15 Clever SHTF Uses for WD-40 That’ll Blow Your Mind

WD-40. It’s something most everyone already has in their home, but they’re most likely not using it as much as they could be. The truth is WD-40 has more than a thousand applications, so if currently don’t have any, it’s definitely something you should invest in for survival. If you have WD-40 in your home

duct tape rope

17 Insanely Useful Ways You Can Utilize Duct Tape When SHTF

During World War II, our military was in need of a durable adhesive that could be used without breaking. They also needed something that was waterproof. Luckily that’s why duct tape was developed by Johnson & Johnson. Even though it was created for the military, civilians quickly caught on this incredible tape and began to
