(VIDEO) He Took Out a Sandwich Bag. How He Starts a Fire? You HAVE to See This!

using water to start a fire

Have you ever been in a situation were you desperately need to start a fire, and have a plethora of dry twigs, sticks, and grass around you, but nothing to use to spark a flame? When you’ve got no matches in your pack, and no lighter to speak of? Where you have no knowledge of starting a fire from scratch using nothing but friction and sticks?

Maybe, maybe not. But when you’re in a situation like that, it is best to take stock of the contents in your backpack. Do you have anything that might help you create a spark?

If you even have a single plastic ziplock sandwich bag, that might be all you need.

With this amazing trick, you can use that plastic bag to start a fire. Take a look at the video on the next page to see how!

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  1. Jase Benner said:

    Wow! Holy Jesus! Son of a$#%&!@* It’s miracle! He’s not from this earth! Holy testicle Tuesday! I did that$#%&!@*when I was kid in the 70s. I thought it was a breast implant, that’s why I clicked on it. I’ll never get those three minutes back.


