Author Archives: Denisse Aguilar


(Video) Discover What Foods May Disappear First Post-Collapse… Before it’s Too Late

(Video) Discover What Foods May Disappear First Post-Collapse… Before it’s Too Late

A disaster has occurred and the clock is ticking. Besides getting your shelter ready, you know that you only have a limited amount of time to pick up last minute supplies of food before it’s all gone. What do you do? This scenario will be the same for many when a disaster strikes. However, with

barbed wire cutters

(Video) Prepper Uses Cutters to Split Barbed Wire… This Hack and Many Others Will be Very Handy During a Catastrophe!

Part of being a good prepper and survivalist is using all of your resources to the maximum. If you’re creative enough, you’ll find that there are multiple uses for all items. For example, in today’s video, you’ll see how you can hack your way into being a pro survivalist. In fact, this tutorial will give
