Homesteading / Self Sufficiency articles

cob earth house

How to Make a Earth Cob House Shelter That’ll Withstand the Elements When SHTF

How to Make a Earth Cob House Shelter That’ll Withstand the Elements When SHTF

More and more people these days are scaling back to smaller and smaller houses, particularly as a shaky economy and spiked prices have people nervous to go into debt for the rest of their lives for a three bedroom in the suburbs. This trend is especially true amongst younger generations, who are already saddled with


How to Make Buckskin From Deer Hide

Making leather products requires one very essential resource: leather. Some people think that once you remove the skin from the animal, it can be immediately turned into any product you desire, from bags and jackets to shoes and pants. This couldn’t be any further from the truth. In reality, all hides need to be highly
